Friday, 20 February 2015

Why I'm standing for election to the New South Wales Upper House in March 2015 Election.

I'm standing for election to the Upper House in the New South Wales Parliament. Election date 28th March 2015. Will try to post here my profile I've written for that purpose - need to find it first.

       Statement re standing for election to the NSW Legislative Council March 28th 2015

My name if Geoff Cox

I intend to stand for election to the NSW Legislative Council in the upcoming election, march 28th 2015.

I have been living abroad for some time and have decided to return to the land of my birth, and my spiritual home. I was born in Jandowae, Queensland, and brought up in Fairdale, near Wondai, in the South Burnett. I attended Gatton High School & College, 1953/4 and Gatton College 1957/8/9, gaining my Dairy Diploma. I have since studied at degree level at the UK Open University, but am yet to complete my studies. I have been studying toward a degree in Social Science (Criminology), as I worked as a Probation Services Officer for seven years, now retired.

My previous work was associated with my Dairy qualifications, having lived and worked in several countries, including UK (3 times), Sweden, Australia (3 times), New Zealand, Sharjah UAE, Saudi Arabia, and have travelled widely, both for business and pleasure.

I have two children, now mature, and three grandchildren, aged 7, 5, and 18 months. My daughter lives in the UK and my son in Australia. I have dual citizenship, Australian and UK. I was offered and took UK citizenship mainly to enable easy re-entry to the UK after my frequent visits back home .

I have kept a keen eye on Australian political developments over the years.

I feel compelled to stand for election as I am completely disillusioned with our 'political class', and the mess they have made of our beautiful and bountiful planet.

My platform will be a single issue, and that is legalisation of Cannabis (Hemp) for any purpose. I am aware that this is currently difficult or impossible, due to International Treaty, but treaties have been broken before and will be again, or modified to accommodate current circumstances.

The current slow moves to 'carry out trials' with the possibility that the use of Cannabis for medical purposes will be 'allowed' under closely controlled conditions/licensing etc. is not the correct approach.

Why should those suffering have to await 'permission' to use a plant that grows naturally all over the world and has been used since antiquity for healing. Why should they live in fear, be harassed, by the Police, arrested, and have their medicine confiscated, which often saves their or their children's lives. This is iniquitous and plain wrong. Even the Prime Minister has said publicly that he does not believe that trials are necessary.

There are so many positive, progressive, compassionate, and economic reasons why the status quo is unacceptable. I'm totally convinced that wide use of Cannabis (hemp) will be good for the citizens, good for Australia, and good for the planet, and am determined to try my utmost to help bring that about.

       Statement re standing for election to the NSW Legislative Council March 28th 2015

My name if Geoff Cox

I intend to stand for election to the NSW Legislative Council in the upcoming election, march 28th 2015.

I have been living abroad for some time and have decided to return to the land of my birth, and my spiritual home. I was born in Jandowae, Queensland, and brought up in Fairdale, near Wondai, in the South Burnett. I attended Gatton High School & College, 1953/4 and Gatton College 1957/8/9, gaining my Dairy Diploma. I have since studied at degree level at the UK Open University, but am yet to complete my studies. I have been studying toward a degree in Social Science (Criminology), as I worked as a Probation Services Officer for seven years, now retired.

My previous work was associated with my Dairy qualifications, having lived and worked in several countries, including UK (3 times), Sweden, Australia (3 times), New Zealand, Sharjah UAE, Saudi Arabia, and have travelled widely, both for business and pleasure.

I have two children, now mature, and three grandchildren, aged 7, 5, and 18 months. My daughter lives in the UK and my son in Australia. I have dual citizenship, Australian and UK. I was offered and took UK citizenship mainly to enable easy re-entry to the UK after my frequent visits back home .

I have kept a keen eye on Australian political developments over the years.

I feel compelled to stand for election as I am completely disillusioned with our 'political class', and the mess they have made of our beautiful and bountiful planet.

My platform will be a single issue, and that is legalisation of Cannabis (Hemp) for any purpose. I am aware that this is currently difficult or impossible, due to International Treaty, but treaties have been broken before and will be again, or modified to accommodate current circumstances.

The current slow moves to 'carry out trials' with the possibility that the use of Cannabis for medical purposes will be 'allowed' under closely controlled conditions/licensing etc. is not the correct approach.

Why should those suffering have to await 'permission' to use a plant that grows naturally all over the world and has been used since antiquity for healing. Why should they live in fear, be harassed, by the Police, arrested, and have their medicine confiscated, which often saves their or their children's lives. This is iniquitous and plain wrong. Even the Prime Minister has said publicly that he does not believe that trials are necessary.

There are so many positive, progressive, compassionate, and economic reasons why the status quo is unacceptable. I'm totally convinced that wide use of Cannabis (hemp) will be good for the citizens, good for Australia, and good for the planet, and am determined to try my utmost to help bring that about.

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